Sunday, July 20, 2008

Embracing Nature


I will grant you that so far we have a somewhat less than auspicious beginning for this blog: the previous post could have been much more artfully crafted. Nevertheless, the point seems to have been made: do you want your son to be an abject conformist? Do you want your son to cower in the face of inappropriate criticism? Do you want your son to wilt in the face of adversity? Then by all means circumcise him! He will fit in nicely, especially in New York City locker rooms. He will 'go with the flow' as a matter of personal style. He will become a mindless economic unit who will do his duty to the very end and then he will die.

But if, on the other hand, you want your son to develop his own unique personality, including the ability to stand against mindless social pressure, you need to present him with the option of 'skinning it back temporarily' in order to 'fit in temporarily.' You need to leave him as Nature made him, and you need to accept and appreciate whatever follows from that, whatever it may be.